Prof. Priyam Mohanty, Deputy Director (R&D), KIIT University has been selected as Council Member of NAFEMS Education and Training Working Group (ETWG). National Agency for Finite Element Methods and Standards, NAFEMS is the only International Association for the Engineering Modelling, Analysis and Simulations Community in the World. He will be representing NAFEMS India ETWG in close cllaboration with the Global ETWG, in order to ensure thet the training needs of analysts in India are met, and are compliant with the internationally recognized standards in respective fields. He is the youngest member of the global specalized working group, ETW Group, which has 15 members.

Dr. Pritam Mohanty was invited as a panel speaker in National Cleft and Craniofacial Conference (CLEFTCON 2015). He participated in the debate session as the youngest faculty and gave a presentation on “Surgery First Approach in Orthognathic Treatment Protocol”.